Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Miami Beach day
For Christmas this year, we requested to be routed through Florida. The warmth sounds so relaxing after everything we've been through lately. In fact, they're having an unseasonably warm Christmas - and we're enjoying every minute of it! A couple days to relax, in a hotel with a real bed, a normal shower, and pleasant weather's been lovely!

We visited the Miami Zoo, and found the exhibits interesting and interactive. We also went to the beach and basked in the gorgeous weather! We cooked a delicious roast in the crockpot for a good Christmas dinner, and simply relaxed and enjoyed the time off.

While there are a lot of people that we miss and would like to spend time with over Christmas, we did get to Skype with both sets of parents. We have much to be thankful for this year - each other, the people that are dear to us, and the adventures that we share together. We have the memories of Christmases past, the hope of Christmases future, and the love of a Savior who humbled Himself to walk among us before giving the ultimate sacrifice. We are blessed.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

More Weather Experiences

#3 catching some sun
Well, we're currently sitting in Georgia, waiting on our next load - our assigned load got cancelled! That's the way that trucking goes though. Sometimes they run you so hard you barely have time to breathe, picking up loads as soon as you deliver others. And then other times you sit at a location all day because the load that was supposed to be picked up at 10am was actually scheduled for 9pm by a miscommunication - only to get cancelled at 8:30pm, leaving you high and dry.

Snow and ice on the windshield 
The past week has been interesting: we have experienced nearly every kind of inclement weather and now we have also experienced heavy snow and ice. We had a load from Dallas, Texas to Denver, Colorado. Just after crossing the Kansas/Colorado border, we hit a sudden snowstorm, completely obliterating the road in snow. We pulled over at a truck stop for about 4 hours to let the storm blow by, then managed to safely deliver the load in Denver.

View from our parking spot 
Our load back out of Denver, however, was 3 hours late on its pickup time. When we finally got the load and headed back out of town, we could tell another storm was right behind us. We tried to outrun the storm, but got caught in freezing fog, which coated everything in ice. Our mirrors, headlights, and windshield froze over, and the road became slick. Then the storm caught up, adding wind and snow to the mix. We pulled over again, but this time the storm lasted almost 24 hours! It continued to snow and the wind increased to 40 mph. Parked 100 feet away from the truck stop, we couldn't even see the building!

Snow and ice on the fields 
Thankfully, our fleet manager understood when we explained the conditions. We spent the night in a hotel, and got up the next morning to 6 degrees with a wind chill below zero. The wind had finally calmed down and highway workers had been working to partially clear the roads. A few hours later, after letting the truck warm up and scraping off the snow, the temperature had reached 12 degrees. We cautiously started out, driving slowly as the road still had patchy ice. The farther east we got, the clearer the roads became. About the time we reached the Kansas border again, the roads were clear enough to run full speed again.

Needless to say, we are pretty done with snow for now! We aren't wishing for a white Christmas this year - in fact, we've requested to be routed through Florida over Christmas. It sounds so warm and inviting after what we've been through lately!

Merry Christmas, and stay safe!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas Memories

Only a few days left till Christmas! Are you ready for it? I have been enjoying rolling down the road listening to Christmas music.

We'll have the day of Christmas off, but instead of trying to get to any of our family and rushing to see everyone in one day, we decided to stay on the road and let everyone who has kids or family go home. We also decided not to exchange gifts this year, since we have no room in the semi to keep stuff and no time to buy and mail stuff. Instead, we have told out family that we ask for their thoughts and prayers, and phone calls when possible - what more could we want?

Of course, it doesn't feel much like Christmas since we won't be seeing anyone or exchanging presents. But listening to Christmas music brings back a lot of cherished memories.

Family Christmas photo, circa early 2000s
When Bing Crosby croons "White Christmas" or Burl Ives tells us the story of Rudolph, it takes me back to snuggling on the couch with my mom, watching the classic Christmas movies every year. I smell cookies baking and see rows of chocolate dipped marshmallows that we will give out to our neighbors.

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" makes me think of going with my dad to pick out a Christmas tree. "The First Noel" and "Silent Night" bring back memories of days spent celebrating with church family and participating in the yearly church Christmas skit.

"Walking in a Winter Wonderland" reminds me of my first few winters in Indiana. Snow was a magical thing. My friends laughed at my enthusiasm, but I enjoyed the experience - snowmen, snow angels, snowballs, even [accidentally] falling through the ice on a river.

Lights at the zoo, Dec 2014
"Mr Grinch" makes me smile because last year, it was the only Christmas movie my sweetheart and I could find to watch in the few hours we had together. Our first Christmas was small, but we had each other and so we had the whole world.

It doesn't feel much like Christmas this year...but we will be together, wherever we are. What more could I want?

Safe travels, and merry Christmas to you!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Life At the Moment

The past few days I have spent alternately flat on my back or curled up in a little ball. At first we thought it was a stomach flu bug, but as it progressed over 4 days we concluded it was more likely food poisoning. Whatever it was, it kicked my butt! I'm sure you don't want to hear about the various forms of fluid that exited my body, but suffice to say that my whole system cleaned itself out. It's like a reset, a new start - because believe me, there is nothing left in my body from the past week!

It got me thinking about resets, new starts, second chances. Obviously the new year is swiftly approaching, the time when most people ponder their past and set new goals for their future. Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what we need, getting rid of the old distractions and focusing on the changes that need to be made. While letting go of the past isn't always a pleasant experience, sometimes it is necessary before we can move on to the new goals ahead.

Well, there's my deep thought of the day. In other news, my unit Christmas party was Sunday. It was a blast for the kids - games, presents, Santa, a bounce house, etc. For the adults, it was kinda boring. The food was definitely the best part - and there was plenty of it! Much better than last year, when, due to a misunderstanding, my sweetie and I didn't get to eat at all!

After drill weekend, we got to visit with some of my wonderful in-laws. We also viewed a property that we are considering buying in the future.

Not sure yet where exactly we will settle down, but we intend to be somewhat close to my hubby's family. We want to be involved with family, especially when we're ready to have kids. We want property that we can raise animals and children on, room to expand and experiment and live. Room for kids to play, room to grow and raise most of our own food, room to work with our hands on the land and enjoy the years we are given.

And now we are back on the road. We have already added a few more states to our trucking map (at the bottom of the page). The last few days we haven't moved much since I was sick, but we're ready to see where we're headed next. Safe travels to you!