Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Next Chapter

Ever felt like you're right on the brink of something huge? 

Like standing on the edge of a cliff, scared to jump off but knowing that you will always regret it if you don't jump?

Well, my wonderful husband and I have spent a lot of time thinking and praying about where we are in our lives right now. We're both working 12 hour night shifts, hardly ever spending time together, and always short on money, just trying to make ends meet. And there just doesn't seem to be much out there as far as better options. It's not a sustainable life - we can't keep living like this for the next 20 years. We want to start a family, to buy a house and settle down, to have rocking chairs sitting on a wrap-around porch and time to relax in them once in awhile. The path we're on right now is just not getting us there...

A recent camping trip
So we've decided to hit the road.

We've been talking about it ever since we've been together - a backup plan, if you will - and now we've finally decided to do it. We're going to be truckers!

You, Me, and #3 are going on the road. We're starting CDL school on Monday, and if all goes well, Lord willing in three weeks we will be newly certified CDL holders. From there, whatever company we sign on with will conduct their own training course (usually 3-6 weeks). And then we'll be on our own, just the three of us and the open road.

Can I just say how amazing that sounds? Other than this past Valentine's Day, my sweet hubby and I have never had a holiday together, and our days off rarely coincide. Of course, a good deal of time in the truck will be spent with one person driving and the other person sleeping, but still, we'll be together. And whatever challenges and issues we face while driving, we can face them together instead of having to deal with them alone.

Of course, there's a scary side to this, too. We've put in notice at our jobs, apartment, etc. There's really no safety net here, and not much of a margin on the budget either. It's a huge step of faith, and quite frankly, it's terrifying.

It would be easy to repeat the cliche, God will provide. It's true - I know He will, I've seen Him do it time and again. However, it is not enough to simply sit on one's rear end and wait for Him to provide. That is not the life He has called us to by any means. 

"For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10

This step is huge, but Lord willing, it is the step that will help us get to where we want to be. Operating under the principle of sacrificing now to get what you want later (i.e., delayed gratification), taking a few years now to live on the road and do without a lot of things in life that we take for granted will benefit us greatly in the long run. Without many bills to pay, we can pay off what debt we have and set aside money for our future. After a few years, and we see what happens with the economy and a new president in office, perhaps there will be better jobs out there for us. Decent jobs with regular hours, a house on some property, a couple of little munchkins...all of that is out of our reach right now, but is feasible in a few years if we make this sacrifice now.

Boating on a lake
In the meantime, we prepare to learn as much as we can during school and over-the-road training, so that we can be as prepared as possible for the challenges ahead. It's a new chapter in our lives, one that is very exciting (albeit slightly scary!), and we can't wait to see what God has for us on this journey. Please keep us in prayer as we take this huge step! And never fear, I plan to document the highlights and interesting moments as they come, as well as scenery and events we encounter when we're finally on the road! 

We're right on the edge of the cliff, leaning forward, feet leaving the edge, committing to the dive, knowing that we could smash to a painful death on the rocks below...but looking forward to spreading our wings and learning to fly!

So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake,  
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break,  
We've come this far, don't you be scared now,  
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down.  
-Maddie and Tae, "Fly"

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Value of Family

My parents and I, Fall 2012
Tonight I had a long talk on the phone with my mama. Sighs...oh how I miss that lady.

A week or two ago, I had a nice phone conversation with my dad as well - which is slightly unusual since neither of us are very good at chatting on the phone. I miss him too.

And a few weeks ago, we took a few days off and helped my sweet husband's parents move into a new house. I've always gotten along with them, but it was my first chance to really spend time with them and we bonded in a new and wonderful way. And I miss them too.

Hubby with his parents, Spring 2014
And of course, there's my hubby's brother and sister and their spouses and children. Years ago, when I used to pray for my future husband, I wished for a man with a close-knit family. Having no siblings of my own, getting a ready-made family in my in-laws, nieces, and nephews, is an incredible blessing. I miss them too.

And then there's the people that I consider family that aren't actually related. People like my "sisters," Krystle and Kaitlyn; like my "grandfather," Phil; like my "nieces" and "nephew" in California; and like several other people that are dear to my heart. Of course, none of them are close enough to see regularly, and so I miss each and every one.

Someone once said, "Family is not always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are."

Someday we might live closer to some of our family members, but there will always be people that we love who are not nearby. There will always be pieces of our hearts in other places. It can't be helped. But we can't let that stop us from meeting and loving new people and making friends and "family" in new places.

Nor can we let it stop us from being the kind of people that love and accept others in the way that family should. After all, we all share the same Heavenly Father, which makes us all family! Everyone we meet can be a brother or sister, a friend and neighbor, a fellow sinner in need of saving grace. Let's be the kind of family to each other that makes our Heavenly Father proud.

Welcome to the family!