Friday, October 28, 2016

Regional Drivers and a Discussion of Romance

Autumn in Pennsylvania
Well, after a year of being on a dedicated OTR (over the road) account, things have changed for the Davis team. We are now going to be dedicated regional drivers. What this means is that, instead of going coast to coast as OTR, we will now be driving within a certain mile radius of home, thus being regional. It also means that, instead of being on the road for 3-5 weeks, home for drill weekends and a few days for running errands, and back on the road, we will now be home on weekends! We may choose to work extra on some weekends, but for the most part, we will now be on the road for only 5-6 days at a time.

We are excited about the change. It came a little sooner than we had planned, but in the long run, it will be a good thing. Since we've been together, we've never had weekends off together on a regular basis, so this is a welcome opportunity to spend time together outside of the working environment.

Speaking of the working environment, it has been good for our marriage to live and work together in a tiny space 24/7, but it has also been difficult in some ways. For instance, it has taught us to communicate clearly and work together as a team; however, we sometimes have to remember to be not only coworkers but spouses and lovers as well. It can be hard to keep the romance alive when so many of the typical things (gifts, surprises, date nights, etc) are next to impossible on the road!

My favorite of several photos taken this month
I am thankful for this season of life, in which we have spent so much time together and learned so much about each other, and I pray we never forget the lessons in communication, trust, and teamwork that we've learned. And yet, since a great deal of the time is spent sleeping and nearly all the time one or both of us is working, it's like spending time in the presence of the other person but not really spending time WITH them.

One thing we have certainly learned this year, however, is to appreciate the little things. Too often we can take for granted the ordinary, everyday stuff that we do for each other - make lunch, take out the trash, sweep the floor, hold a door open - and yet, those little things are very important, especially when you live in a space the size of a closet! Just a simple thank-you, letting the other person know that these things are noticed and appreciated, is its own love language. So are back rubs. So is letting the other person speak without interrupting. These little things are, in their own way, the truly important things that make a spouse feel loved and appreciated. Sex is wonderful, but doing the dishes or letting the other person sleep in a few extra minutes are also powerful romance!

I'd love to hear your ideas or suggestions for making your significant other feel loved and keeping the romance alive. Until then, I'm off to go snuggle with my sweetheart. ❤

Friday, October 21, 2016

US Xpress Military Program Videos

When US Xpress commissioned the military tribute trucks, they also signed a commitment with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, ESGR, to specifically target hiring veterans and current service members as employees. Here is the video made of the ceremony where they signed the commitment and presented the trucks to the drivers:


At the same time, they also interviewed several current drivers who are veterans or current service members. Here is the video compiled of those interviews:

We were honored to be a part of this program. We enjoy working with a company that is actively interested in both honoring the military as well as listening to what their employees have to say!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Freedom Truck

Freedom, Marine, and Navy trucks
Back in July, when US Xpress wrapped six new 2017 Freightliner Cascadias in decals honoring the military and our country's independence, we were honored to be chosen to drive the Coast Guard truck. Now, three months later, we have changed trucks again, this time to drive the Freedom truck!

Unlike the other trucks, each honoring a branch of the military, the Freedom truck is not branch-specific. Rather, it represents stages of our country's independence, from Revolutionary War to now, and the photo of Arlington represents the true cost of freedom. This truck is applicable to all branches of the military as well as to everyone who has given their lives in defense of our country.

Freedom truck
We are excited to be driving the Freedom truck now. Unfortunately, when we got into the truck, it needed some maintenance to bring it back up to show standard. In the meantime, we've had a little time to relax and rest in a hotel while we wait. #3 is stretched out on a hotel bed, rolled on her back, snoring and twitching - I think she's enjoying this!

The weather is getting cooler, and leaves are beginning to change colors; autumn is upon us. It's time for sweatshirts, jeans, hot chocolate, and everything pumpkin! Pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin cookies. So much autumn goodness! What's your favorite thing about autumn?