Monday, February 16, 2015

Let It Snow

Until two years ago, I had never seen snow fall from the sky. Let me tell you, the first time I saw falling snow, it was a life-changing experience! It was amazing, mind-blowing stuff, magical and beautiful and exhilarating. I wanted nothing more than to look at it, watch it, play in it, experience it in any way possible.

Cornfields covered in snow

Fast forward two years... It's not so magical anymore.

Don't get me wrong, it's still pretty to look at. And there's still something very peaceful about watching it fall gently from the sky. That is, assuming it is falling gently and not pelting violently against my face like a tiny, blindingly white army with tiny sharp spears.

My front yard last year
It's beautiful when it blankets the ground, hiding flaws and turning any open space into a blank canvas, a winter wonderland of white-trimmed trees and the tracks of woodland creatures. It's not quite so beautiful when you have to drive in it, praying all the way that you stay on the road and safely reach your destination. Within hours, roads turn into a disappointing gray slush that looks horrible and threatens to grab your tires and send you spinning out of control. And even when the roads are plowed, even the slightest wind can blow it all back into your path.

Of course, along with snow comes another problem: cold. Surprisingly enough, some days we wish it was warm enough to snow - I never knew before last year that it could literally be too cold to snow. But once snow melts a little and the temperature drops below freezing, watch out. Ice is a tricky and fickle punk - even four wheel drive doesn't help much on ice. Ice causes more deaths annually than all other weather hazards combined (see Let me tell you, ice is an extremely scary thing, whether on foot or behind the wheel.

#3 playing in the snow
All that is true...yet somehow when you see snow through the eyes of a child, it becomes magical again. Even my dog suddenly gets a blast of energy when she touches snow, turning into a running, jumping, frolicking whirlwind. And then there's snow angels and snowmen and snowballs and all the fun that comes from a day playing in the snow. I guess, in a way, it's still magical. And curling up with your sweetheart and a cup of hot chocolate to watch the snow fall...well, that's when you make your own magic.

We may not always live in the snowy regions of the country. My family in Southern California regularly sends me photos of the beach to make me jealous - by the way, thank you very much! Rub it in, why don't ya! My wonderful hubby and I have discussed moving to warmer climates to settle down; we'll see what God has planned for our future. In the meantime, we will enjoy what we have, see the positives in everything, and make the best of our situation. As I write this, snow is falling gently and turning the view outside my window into a beautiful winter landscape and for the moment, all is well in my world. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

(You sang that in your head, didn't you?)

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