Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

2016... Wow. Hard to believe 2015 is gone already!

Christmas Eve, Miami Zoo
2015 was a difficult year in some ways and yet we have been incredibly blessed through it all. It was our first full year of marriage, which has involved a lot of growing together. We began this trucking adventure, and while it has turned out to be harder than we thought, we are accomplishing our goals - I am thankful to say we got another debt paid off on New Year's Eve! We have been blessed to spend time with our family and some dear friends, and reconnect with others through technology.

Goals for the coming year: to continue growing together; to communicate more with each other, loved ones, and our Lord; and to pay off more debts and spend wisely with our future in mind.

A year ago, I began this blog with a resolution to be real. "So many people wear a mask, only showing what they want everyone else to see. I can't live like that. Not in my personal life and not in my personal faith."

#3 being her beautiful self
Let's continue to be real, with God and with each other. He would rather have our heartfelt love than our hypocritical lip-service. Let's love each other in the things we do and say, instead of pretending to care to cover up our selfishness.

Let's make 2016 a year we can look back on and know that we did our best to carry out Jesus' commandment to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. What that love looks like...let's let Him show us. Let Him guide us. If we are listening for that still small voice, He will tell us when and where and how to love.

May your new year be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Love <3

    I love having a friend like you, as a blogging buddy. It's always a joy to read and catch up.

    many wishes for a successful and joyous year.
    love Mrs Oorah
